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[Burning Ritual] Sample Kit

Regular price $25.00
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The Burning Ritual Sample kit Includes : 1 Mini White Sage Stick (Salvia Apiana). It is also known as Bee Sage, Magic Sage and Sacred Sage; which has been used by Native Americans for cleansing rituals to purify, attract positive energy and bring peace around them. It is also known as the Holy Wood; which has been used by Indigenous Amazonian and Andean healers in sacred rituals to purify, attract positive energy and bring peace around them. 2 Palo Santo Sticks from Equador (Bursera Graveolens). It is also known as the Holy Wood; which has been used by Indigenous Amazonian and Andean healers in sacred rituals to purify, attract positive energy and bring peace around them. 2 MiniHand Rolled Palo Santo Incense Stick (Bursera Graveolens). It is also known as the Holy Wood; which has been used by Indigenous Amazonian and Andean healers in sacred rituals to purify, attract positive energy and bring peace around them.